Vennard Gilmore Scholarship Recipients 2011-2019

2019 Scholarship Recipients

Katie Doll
Mt. Vernon Nazarene University
Educational Ministries

I am majoring in Educational Ministries and double-minoring in Spanish and Intercultural Studies. I have learned that missions is definitely a passion of mine. I am beyond thankful for the constant prayer I receive from you all!

Clayton Gentry
Barclay College
Pastoral Ministries

Some of my talents and my life that God might use in the future could be my gifts and experiences in my life. There are several possibilities for God to use me. And I am looking forward to completing

Tayler Gentry
Barclay College
Elementary Education

I want to be a teacher. I have loved the idea of being a teacher since I was in seventh grade. Because of my desire to be a history teacher, I think and feel like God would use that to have me witness to my students or to be a mentor to them. All children need someone who can support them.

Makenzie Kline
Arkansas State University

If I can complete my goal of becoming a nurse, I would be able to reach out to multiple people and help show Jesus' love to everybody I run into who may not be having the best day because they are sick, about to have surgery, etc. It is my lifelong passion to help those who are sick and do what I can medically, to make them feel better.


Nathan Kline
Arkansas State University
Physical Education

I want to be a vessel that God uses to reach a demographic that is so prevalent yet sometimes so difficult to reach. Any form of assistance with this, whether it be financially or more importantly prayer, will be greatly appreciated.

Hannah Nicholls
Cedarville University

Thank you so much for your prayers, they are greatly appreciated! I’m looking forward to starting a new journey at Cedarville in just a few days. My ultimate goal is to demonstrate the loving example of my Savior through my words, attitudes and actions.

Luke Zobel
Taylor University
Film Production

Documentary film making has sparked interest for me to be able to show people the beauty of the world and show real issues at hand. Thank you so much for selecting me! I am very thankful to receive this scholarship from you.


2018 Scholarship Recipients

Brittany Crossgrove
This year, I am looking forward to finishing my last three classes in my Bachelor's degree followed by student teaching from January to end of April. I'm excited and ready to start my first year as a teacher in the Fall of 2019. I'm thankful to be a Vennard Alumni and I wouldn't have been able to finish my schooling for the last year if it had not been for the Vennard Alumni Scholarship. I thank you and God Bless all of you. 

Elisa (Katie) Doll
Educational Ministries

I am currently majoring in Educational Ministries and double minoring in
Spanish and intercultural studies. I took on this major so that I will be prepared for God to use me in any way He sees fit. My dream is to work in full-time ministry and, whether this means missions or serving on staff at a church, I am excited to serve God in any and every way that I can.

Tayler Gentry
Barclay College

For the longest time, I have been passionate about history. Ever since fifth grade when I first learned about American History, I fell in love with the subject. I don't care what history I am learning because I love the subject so much. I also love children. They are really fun to hang around and conversations with them are never boring. I thought what better way to combine both loves than teaching history. I am aiming my attention towards middle school or junior high aged children but I am open for any age group. I want to show children the love of history that I have and how God reveals himself throughout it.

Kaytlyn Hatch
Grace College

Master of Non Profit Management

Thank you Vennard College Alumni Association! You are blessing students in a great way and I am honored that you have invested in me and my education that God is leading me through. I am beginning year two of a two-year Master of Non Profit Management program through Grace College this August. I am extremely thankful to be able to apply what I learn directly to what I do at Summit Church in Niles, MI as an Associate Pastor. I am passionate about the local church and how God uses the church body to lead people to follow Christ. I am thankful that through this graduate program I am able to be better equipped for His ministry. Thank you for being a part of the journey with me, I am extremely grateful.

Kylie Johnson
Olivet Nazarene University
Electrical Engineering

This scholarship has been such a blessing to me as I pursue an electrical engineering major at Olivet Nazarene University. Most of my coursework is very challenging and it is very easy to be consumed by academics. I love being able to join together with others in praise and worship and hear a variety of speakers challenge me in my faith journey. I don’t know what my future holds as far as engineering positions, but I believe that the foundation Olivet is providing me will equip me to be a servant of the Lord in whatever way He has in mind. I pray that my gifts will further God’s Kingdom here on Earth.

Nate Kline
Pediatric Occupational Therapy

I am currently majoring in physical education, but I plan on going on after graduation to occupational therapy school to hopefully become a pediatric occupational therapist. I have had the opportunity to job shadow in a local middle school's special-education classroom as well as the occupational therapy program there. These opportunities have just affirmed in me, that this is what I want to do with my life. I can not wait to see how God continues to work in my life on my journey to help empower, educate, and inspire children with special needs as I strive to live out Hebrews 12: 1-2.

Caleb Zimmer
Trevecca Nazarene University

I am excited to attend Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville, TN, this fall where I am enrolled at the National Institute for Praise and Worship (NIPW).  NIPW is located on campus in the newest music education building.  I'm looking forward to exploring Nashville, playing in various bands and orchestras, and growing in my faith.

2017 Scholarship Recipients

Emily Desler
Elementary Education

“I have a love for children and a passion for teaching and watching elementary children grow and learn. I have been working with young children since I was in junior high and two summers ago I worked at Camp War Eagle as a counselor. I love every opportunity I am given to interact and help them develop. This past summer I taught English to students in Lithuania. It was a life changing experience as a teacher as I learned how to reach students at a variety of ages and levels. After I graduate I plan on pursuing a career as an elementary teacher and I am praying that I will be given opportunities to teach overseas. My past three years in the education department have helped me improve my patience, organization, furthered the love I have for children and strengthen my belief that God has called me to care for and teach his children. I hope to use my degree not only to further student’s minds, but show God’s love to them through my daily actions in the classroom.”

Katie Doll
Educational Ministries

"I am pursuing a degree in Educational Ministries with minors in business and intercultural studies. My passion is still missions and reaching people wherever God may call me! I hope to work in the church to help further people's relationships with God along with personally growing closer to him every day!"

Kylie Johnson
Olivet Nazarene University
Electrical Engineering

“Currently I am attending Olivet Nazarene University and pursuing my BS in electrical engineering. As a Christian engineer, it is always a challenge to sort out faith versus facts. My ultimate goal though is to glorify God in everything I do, whether it be in playing violin music, studying, working, or running.  Currently, I am training for a 25K race in May. It occurs to me that training for this race can also be a metaphor for my spiritual journey. I must train regularly so that I am in condition to perform, in the same way that spending time studying the Word is something that must be done consistently if our lives are to reflect our beliefs. In the future, I see myself using the gifts God has given me to become an Engineer. After graduating college, I hope to find a personally-fulfilling job in the engineering field that lets me use my new new-found knowledge to help impact the world in a positive way. I pray that God can use me and my gifts to further the kingdom of God. ”

2016 Scholarship Recipients

Emily Desler
Elementary Education
"I have a love for children and
a passion for teaching and watching elementary children grow and learn. I have been working with young children since I was in junior high and this past summer I worked at Camp War Eagle as a counselor. I love every opportunity I am given to interact and help them develop. After I graduate I plan on pursuing a career as an elementary teacher and I am praying that I will be given opportunities to teach overseas. My past two years in the education department have helped me improve my patience, organization, furthered the love I have for children and strengthen my belief that God has called me to care for and teach his children."

Kylie Johnson
Chemical Engineering

"I would like to study chemical engineering or some branch of engineering in college.  I pray God can use me and my talents to affect other lives for the better.  With time and practice, God has given me the talent to play the violin.  I hope my talents can glorify the Lord with each new chapter of my life.  I look forward to seeing what God has in store for me and my future."

Aaron Mast
Trine University
Mechanical Engineering

"I am currently a junior studying Mechanical Engineering at Trine University in Indiana. As a student at a secular college there are many struggles that I have to face every day, but there are also an abundance of opportunities to share the gospel and serve others right here on campus.  I knew for sure that I wanted to study Mechanical Engineering. I knew since I was very young that I wanted to one day study that, so I did. I applied to a few colleges, but ultimately chose Trine University. Trine is not affiliated with any churches, and I knew that going in. I was prepared for what I thought college would be like. Before I went off to college, we had been studying in our youth group about how many Christians lose their faith when they go off to college. I knew that I needed to find and plug myself into a group of believers as soon as I got to Trine. Thankfully, I found Christian Campus House (CCH). They are an organization whose vision is to empower students to impact the world for Christ, and they have been doing that for the last thirty years at Trine. I may be leaving here with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, but I am also leaving with something far more valuable:  a stronger faith and a desire to serve Christ. Because of that, I would like to keep working with CCH next year and many years after that."

2015 Scholarship Recipients

Katlyn Hatch
Bethel College
Music, Christian Ministry & Art

I am currently attending Bethel College in Mishawaka, IN to finish my Senior year as a Liberal Studies Major concentrating in Music, Christian Ministry and Art. I work at Summit Church as the Connections Director and love how God has give me opportunities to serve in ministry. As a newly wed, I am blessed by this financial support that makes continuing my education to serve the Lord possible. The alumni of Vennard continue to encourage students who are committed to the work of our God, thank you. 
Blessings, Kaytlyn Hatch

Elise Roehl
University of Northwestern-St. Paul
Master of Organizational Leadership

My name is Elise Roehl. I am a proud second generation Vennard Alum. Both my parents, my sister, and my brother-in-law all graduated from Vennard College.  I had the unfortunate honor of being a part of the final graduating class in December of 2008.  After a five year educational hiatus, God led me back in to the world of academia. I now attend University of Northwestern-St Paul working on a Master of Organizational Leadership degree. When I agreed to follow God's leading back to school, I prayed "Okay, God I'm ready to do this and I don't want to take out anymore loans. So, please help me figure out how to pay for this." Through a serious of blessings (some exciting, some unfortunate), God provided most of the money I would need to complete my program without taking out a loan. The amount the Alumni Association granted me for scholarship ended up being the exact amount I needed! Praise God!  i am eternally grateful for my Vennard education and to this board for helping me accept God's challenge.

2016 update - Elise has earned her Masters in Organization Leadership. Congratulations Elise!

2014 Scholarship Recipients

Kayte Miller
Southwestern Michigan College/Bethel College

Kirk Bagby
Kentucky Mt. Bible College
Communications/Christian Education

I believe that God has called me to be a teacher at a Christian college or seminary. Thus, I am earning my BA in Communications with Christian Education at Kentucky Mountain Bible College to prepare me for seminary.  Once I graduate in May of 2015, I intend to work for KMBC and perhaps earn an MA in Christian Apologetics online from Wesley Biblical Seminary.   I have also considered taking online classes from Asbury Seminary.  Wherever God leads me after graduation, the VCAA Scholarship has greatly helped me complete my education at KMBC.  Thank you very much!

Suzannah Zimmer
Oklahoma Wesleyan University
Social Studies/Pre-Legal

I will attend Oklahoma Wesleyan University in Bartlesville, OK, where I plan to play on the basketball team and major in Social studies with a Pre-Legal emphasis. My hope is to become a constitutional lawyer, where I can someday defend the rights and privileges of Christians that are increasingly under threat from our government.


David Bagby
Kentucky Mt. Bible College
Pastoral Ministries

I praise the Lord for receiving a VCAA scholarship! I appreciate how it will help me in my education at Kentucky Mountain Bible College. I believe that God has called me to preach, and I am majoring in Pastoral Ministries. When I graduate in May 2015, I plan to pursue a masters degree while continuing in ministry. Thank you again, VCAA, for the scholarship! 

2013 Scholarship Recipients

David Bagby
Kentucky Mt. Bible College
Pastoral Ministries

"I praise the Lord for receiving a VCAA scholarship! It will greatly help me as I follow God's will at Kentucky Mountain Bible College. I believe that God has called me to preach, and I am majoring in Pastoral Ministries while involved in prison ministry, Pro-life ministry, and local church ministries. Thank you for the scholarship!" 

Kirk Bagby
Kentucky Mt. Bible College
Communications/Christian Education

"I believe that God has called me to be a teacher at a Christian college or seminary.  Thus, I am earning my BA in Communications with Christian Education at Kentucky Mountain Bible College to prepare me for an MA in seminary.  Afterwards, I wish to teach at KMBC.  Wherever God opens the door for me to teach, the VCAA Scholarship has helped me reach that calling.  Thank you very much!" 

Kayte Miller
Southwestern Michigan College/Bethel College

"I am attending Southwestern Michigan College in Dowagiac, Michigan this fall. I plan to graduate from SMC with an associate’s in music and then transfer to Bethel College in Mishawaka, Indiana to graduate with a bachelor’s to obey God’s calling as a Worship Pastor. Thanks to the alumni of Vennard, I am one step closer to that goal."

2012 Scholarship Recipients

David Bagby
Kentucky Mt. Bible College
Pastoral Ministries

"It is such a blessing to be a recipient of the VCAA scholarship. I am very thankful for how it will help fund my education. I am pursuing God's call into full-time ministry, majoring in Pastoral Ministries at Kentucky Mountain Bible College."

Chase Cleveland
Northwestern College
"I am very thankful for this award."

2011 Scholarship Recipients

Kendra Alspach
Emmaus Bible College
"I'd just like to express my thanks to the alumni of Vennard for this scholarship. It will help out with my educational expenses as I continue to seek God's will for my life." Kendra is attending Emmaus Bible College

Andrew Mast
Kentucky Mt. Bible College
Youth & Camping Ministries

"It is a privilege to have received the Vennard Gilmore Scholarship. I will be preparing for youth and camping ministries. I'm looking forward to what God will show me in the next few years." Andrew is attending Kentucky Mountain Bible College.